Saturday, August 15, 2015

I Still Can't Believe This Happened!

Remember in my very first blog post when I said my next post would be about bringing money management to second graders? That was the plan... until I got an email from the Media Coordinator at and a producer from the NBC Nightly News!

I don't even know where to start... first off I am humbled by the experience and support I've received. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine myself being of any significant importance to anyone other than my students, but it is true... my students and I will be featured in a segment on the NBC Nightly News on Thursday!

Here's what happened...

Last Thursday I received an email discussing opportunities for participation in the segment. After a whirlwind first few days of school, I sat down with my principal and discussed the opportunity. With her support, and that of our school district (and after securing the appropriate releases for my little ones), we proceeded with NBC and on this past Thursday morning a producer and correspondent flew in from New York and showed up at school with a camera man and a sound guy. Crazy I tell you... a giant camera, a boom mic, a wired mic on me all day... the whole works!

For five hours they shadowed me with that huge camera, capturing every move I made, every lesson I taught, every eager hand-raise, smile, and excited response from my students. They surely were not camera shy... I thought they'd be nervous but they were not. I thought they'd shy away from talking directly with Ms. Ellis by the end they were raising their hands to be interviewed. I'm so proud of my little people! It was day 4 of school... they are still learning policies and procedures and yet they were able to conduct themselves as if they'd been with me all year. I'm amazed!

While I'm still in disbelief that this has happened, I am eager to see the story air. DonorsChoose has been an integral part of my teaching since I started my career in 2009. Without their support and that of generous donations from family, friends, strangers, corporations and other teachers, my students have been able to learn beyond the means of the district provided materials. $22,600+ later in donations for my classroom, I am at a loss for words - for the donations, the recognition, the outpouring of support from my administration, colleagues, family and friends. I am still questioning why me... there are thousands of amazing teachers all over the country who are making a difference with their students each and every day. I simply do what I feel is best for my kiddos and try my hardest to make their time with me more fun! The whole experience is humbling. I can't wait to see the segment... for the nation to see the segment! My students are so excited, hopefully they all get to see themselves representing our amazing school and our district.

We've been told that the segment will air during the NBC Nightly News on Thursday! AHHH! I might just have to figure out to put it on a DVD and have a viewing party with my kids on Friday!

Here's a few snapshots the producer took of our interview session. For my students' privacy, I've covered their sweet little faces but the picture is too cute not to share! Imagine the look of pure excitement, astonishment and eagerness between each circle :)

Holy cow... I'm pretty sure I won't be able to top this for my students in terms of excitement! This will surely be a year to remember!

Stay tuned... I promise I'll tell you about money management with my little ones soon!